Maybe I'm just tootin' my own horn here, but I think I would make for either a great candidate that everyone can find at least one thing they like about, or a horrible candidate who pisses everyone off. I will go ahead and say that it would likely be the latter, as I have a tendency to please myself instead of others (and what true individualist *wouldn't* at least harbor such a thing as at least a guilty pleasure?) instead of tailoring my views to what the lumpenproletariat desire - such as bread & circuses and all the associated tripe.
Let's put them all in alphabetical order...
Abortion - Cut the crap about "woman's right to choose", "murdering babies", and all the other namby-pamby "everyone is special" horseshit. Abortion is the only thing keeping the West from being totally swamped by a dysgenic underclass of entitlement addicts. Think about it: the probability of an educated, employed, middle-class woman who doesn't bring home a new man every weekend having an unwanted pregnancy is statistically insignificant. The kind of women who ARE having abortions are the ones we DON'T want reproducing - high school dropouts, drug users, sexually-irresponsible, perpetually on welfare. Abortion has stemmed the tide of future Democratic Party supporters who would be interested solely in obtaining more government cheese for themselves and their future demon spawn, who will go on to repeat this process. While I am not too keen on federal funding of ANYTHING, I believe that federal funding of abortions is important to keep, if for nothing else than human pest control.
Bailouts: I don't care how critical a particular industry is to our nation's success or failure - bad decisions must never be subsidized, and certainly not with other peoples' money. The failure of these companies can largely be attributed to government "regulation", and allowing the perpetrators of instability to then lord over the industries they ruined by way of favored-industry policy or financial blackmail is unthinkable.
Campaign Finance: I am opposed to corporations being able to donate. Funny how a majority of the people who disagreed with the recent SCOTUS decision and "corporate personhood" voted for Obama, who was carried into office on the backs of the majority of corporate donors...
Defense: Either we snap ourselves out of this half-assed approach that endangers our troops when our rules of engagement more or less encourage their deaths rather than the deaths of jihadists and start waging total war, or we pull up anchor and leave posthaste. There can be no gray area in regard to whether we are at war or not. I am also in favor of slashing our standing army in favor of a citizens' militia. We once had "a rifle behind every blade of grass", but we have become complacent and lazy, allowing others to shoulder the burden of defense while simultaneously disrespecting our armed forces with government-run healthcare and incompetent civilian leadership. According to the US Code, every able-bodied male between the ages of 17 and 45 is part of the irregular militia. I would be open to a policy of compulsory service of one weekend per month (to cut down on the riff-raff, service would be for those who have graduated high school with at least a C average) which would include courses in wilderness survival, orienteering, improvised munitions, marksmanship, field communication, fortification construction, and psychological warfare/counter-intel. Terror attacks in other nations should not be such a priority for us - if those nations cannot deal with terrorism on their own, that is their problem, not ours.
Energy Policy: Nuclear power is the only sensible and efficient long-term source of energy. While we should not limit ourselves to one or two sources, nuclear power is the safest, most cost-effective, and most infrastructurally-viable option. We have allowed the enviro-nuts to scare us with images of Chernobyl (crappy Soviet technology combined with human error) and Three Mile Island (crappy American technology combined with human error - and nobody even died!) while even France generates the vast majority of its electricity by way of modern nuclear reactors.
Guns (2nd Amendment): I support the repeal of ALL gun control laws - 1934 NFA, 1968 GCA, 1986 Hughes Amendment, 922r import restrictions - as well as unconditional incorporation of the 2nd Amendment against the states. Posession of small arms that are on-par with those the military uses by civilians is the best way to secure liberty for all. Allowing governments to have a monopoly on the use of force has always resulted in tyranny and sometimes genocide. Gun control laws do nothing but punish the innocent due to the behavior of the guilty. They also restrict supply of certain types of firearms, allowing only the wealthy and well-connected to obtain such things as select-fire weapons and destructive devices. We accomplish nothing but the criminalization of self-defense when we pass laws that restrict or prohibit the use of firearms technology. Anyone who believes that there should be "reasonable restrictions" on the last line of defense that we have against tyranny is a willful accessory to tyranny. The 2nd Amendment lets us all know that we have the right to defend ourselves, our property, and our Constitution from any who would try to destroy or subvert them - essentially, it is the "fangs & claws" of our Constitution, which was meant to restrain the government and not the people.
Health Care: Many will say that the "free market has failed", when little do they know the free market was never in charge of health care in the first place! The American Medical Association is a monopoly whose preponderence in the industry incurs unnecessary costs. Insurance companies are not allowed to compete across state lines, nor are the trial lawyer unions ready to give up opportunities to suck hospitals and private practices dry with malpractice suits. Health care is NOT a right. The only "right" we have is to take care of ourselves. Rights are not something granted to us by a government, which is why the Constitution acts as a constraint on that government. Some will point to the "general welfare" clause, but the recent healthcare bill is quite specific in what aspects of "welfare" it covers. If someone else has to pay for it, it cannot, under any circumstances, be called a "right". Exercising one of the rights in our Bill of Rights incurs no expense on the part of another, a far cry from the massive costs imposed on the productive sector to finance "healthcare as a right".
Illegal Immigration: A fence is not a real solution, and neither are totally open borders. Minimum wage laws and a lack of enforcement of penalties for hiring illegals are what drives much of the illegal border crossings. Minimum wage laws coerce employers into looking to illegal immigrants to avoid high labor costs. This can significantly affect the prosperity and expansion potential of small businesses, as it is exponentially more difficult for them to absorb those costs than it is for large corporations.
I'll add other stuff later. Stay tuned.
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