
...on an unrelated note...

Most folks like the idea of tax increases and wealth redistribution, granted that it's not their money being touched.


Unknown said...

i hear a new tax on cigarettes just got passed... its starting

The Objectivist Viking said...

"In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." - B. Franklin

Cigarettes, ammunition, gasoline - where will we draw the line?

Unknown said...

You might be failing to fully understand the mind of leftists. If you are an independent person, not dependent upon the 'nanny state' for support of any kind, similar to how our forefathers took control of their own lives...and you become successful in support of your life, family and give to charities (or don't...it is up to you), it is obvious to the leftist that you are either doing something illegal or immoral to be that successful, and your fruits must be taken away from you and distributed to those who have not 'worked' the system in the way that you obviously have. If you are white, you have had an unfair advantage to your upbringing, therefore, you have no real right to the fruits which you produce.

Face it, they will either take what you have, or you can give it willingly (through higher and more taxes). PRODUCERS TO NON-PRODUCERS...One of the new primary purposes of centralized government.

T. Wright